Opening Doors For The Workforce Of The Future

DFN Project SEARCH is a transition to work programme committed to transforming the lives of young adults with a learning disability and autism or both.

DFN Project are a Charitable Foundation whose aim is to make a “positive difference to the lives of young people with special educational needs”. Supporting people between the ages of 18-24 who have a current EHCP, they facilitate and support “high aiming, one year programmes” with many organisations we are all familiar with, including but not limited to Amazon, Asda, NHS Trusts and Universities.

Full leaflet

Offering a business led, one year transition to employment programme (Internship), 70% of the graduating interns secure paid employment, with 60% securing full time roles.

The programme will not suit all in our group, but for some it could be a proven route to employment. The only initial requirements are to be 18-24 and to have an EHCP.


Max Appeal has no connection with DFN Project and has no input into the recruitment process, however it is a well proven pathway to employment that we would like to bring to our members attention.


If you are interested in DFN Project and want to contact them, please use the links below. :-



Videos from teenage ambassadors of one of our partner organisations, Stichting22q11 in the Netherlands


BHF CRC National Clinical Research Database Patient Area Launch