Events Archive

Rare Disease Day
Rare Disease Day is 28th February – and whilst we all know that 22q is NOT rare, this is an opportunity to bring 22q some media attention. Your short video clips, stories, poems and pictures would be wonderful to see. I am sure the iconic John Lennon record will feature too!
If you have something that you’d like to contribute please get in touch with us at Max Appeal so that we can put all our families together in a single approach to Genetic Alliance.
Please email us at

Annual General Meeting F/Y 2022-2023 & Quiz Night Sunday 24th November 2024 at 6.30pm
Annual General Meeting F/Y 2022-2023 & Quiz Night Sunday 24th November 2024 at 6.30pm
Our AGM for the financial year 2022 – 2023 is being held via zoom at the beginning of Martin’s Quiz Night on Sunday 24th November 2024 at 6.30pm.
All the information is in the attached pdf file, where you can find out lots of fascinating information about activities From Sept 2022 to August 2023.
If you can’t make the on line AGM then we would encourage you to participate via survey monkey, there is a hyperlink and a QR code, or good old fashioned post!
Clearly, no-one would want to miss the AGM or the quiz night. The AGM only involves 3 questions and there are no wrong answers.
Quiz - Via Zoom
If you think you have something to offer the charity and would like to join the trustees, then please do complete the section at the end of the voting slip, or get in touch of you’d like to know more about what is required of trustees. Attached below.
Thank you.
Julie Wootton
Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Great North Run 2024
Great North Run 2024
We are pleased to report that we have secured our guaranteed charity package of 35 places for this years Great North Run on Sunday 8th September. The target sponsorship to be raised is £250. To secure your place email for an entry form.

Great North Run 2024
Great North Run 2024
We are pleased to report that we have secured our guaranteed charity package of 35 places for this years Great North Run on Sunday 8th September. The target sponsorship to be raised is £250. To secure your place email for an entry form.

Cardiac Transition Event
Patient Information event which is open to anyone living with congenital heart disease in Scotland to attend.
29th August 2024 Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel. Registration from 6-6.30pm and finishing at 8pm.
Beardmore Street
G81 4SA

Wiston Lodge, Glasgow - 15th to 18th July 2024
Wiston Lodge, Glasgow - 15th to 18th July 2024
2023 was the first time we used this venue (though we have had previous events elsewhere near Glasgow) and the families that attended had a fantastic time, great accommodation with plenty of activities in the grounds of the Lodge, and on-site friendly and helpful staff. We are really looking forward to seeing this year’s event being a roaring success.

Cranham Camp, Gloucestershire - 24th to 27th May 2024
Cranham Scout Camp, Gloucestershire - 24th to 27th May 2024.
This is a regular event in the Max Appeal diary, building year on year. Lots of activities for children over the age of 8 and young adults. This year we have a falconry experience already booked.
A youth activity weekend for 7 years & upwards based in the beautiful Cotswold Hills to help the young people relax and enjoy some time together and it is an opportunity to meet other children and young people affected by 22q.
Cost: £55, plus £10 per additional adult
The theme of the weekend is building confidence and self-esteem, working in teams and having fun. We are providing activities for all abilities in a safe environment. Activities include; archery, shelter building, out door cooking, grass sledging, traverse wall, team games, dam building, Explorers walk, air rifles and challenge course.
Bookings close 3rd May, or sooner if camp is full.
Once your booking is confirmed please can you forward a completed medical form to Mark Tripp Freepost Max Appeal or email to
For further information, please email

22q at the Zoo 19th May 2024
19th May 2024
22Q At The Zoo is a world wide event organized each year since 2011.
22q families gather at different zoo’s around the world.
This very special event gives families touched by 22q issues a chance to socialize, network and raise the public profile of the common but poorly recognized conditions of the 22q syndrome.
Hi Everyone.
Our hosts and zoo locations for this year are as follows:
Chester Zoo - Paul Wootton
Paignton Zoo - Tracey Hennighan
Marwell Zoo - Penny Biggs
Five Sisters Zoo - Natasha Earle
Meet at the main gate if you wish to go in with other families.
Each host will recommend a lunch time meetings spot for around 1pm for families to meet and catch up.
Please drop us an email if you would like to attend, with how many in your party and contact details. This will help us keep you updated on the day of any changes or updates.
Pricing available on the individual zoo webpage.
Red Max Appeal T shirt booking form -

22q11 syndromes All-Party Parliamentary Group AGM
22q11 syndromes All-Party Parliamentary Group is holding its AGM on Wednesday 20th March 2024, 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Please write to your MP. You could also email or phone them. Don’t know who your MP is? Visit: Find your MP - MPs and Lords - UK Parliament
The 22q11 syndromes All-Party Parliamentary Group is holding its AGM on Wednesday 20th March 2024, 2.00pm – 4.00pm. I would ask that you attend this meeting to represent me, as one of your constituents, and a family affected by 22q11DS. The work of the APPG, chaired by David Duguid MP, is invaluable to supporting the interests of my family and all those affected by 22q11DS
I would be pleased to hear from you that you will be able to attend.
If we have any Max Appeal members who would like to attend or would like more information, please email

Max Appeal Family Quiz Online
In December Clare ‘Bear’ Mcpherson sadly lost her battle with breast cancer, her family lost an amazing mother, daughter and sister and Max Appeal lost one of its most popular members, Clare was an amazing lady who was always to be found at the centre of any fun, she made many friends at Max Appeal both in person and online and it was through our online events that we discovered Clare was a quiz master, throughout Covid and subsequently after she attended virtually all of our Zoom quizzes, winning most whilst having fun singing and dancing along to the music.
We were grateful that even during her darkest days Clare was able to find comfort in joining us for our Xmas quiz, she won it of course and now it is time for Max Appeal to honour Clare with a special quiz night on Sunday Feb 25th at 7pm in memory of our beloved friend.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 850 1501 0584
Passcode: 024194

Cranham 2024 Camp Question
Zoom Invite to discuss Cranham Camp
Come and join the organisers on this special zoom meeting to discuss all things Cranham
If your child is aged 7plus and you want to know about the Max Appeal Camp then please join us online for a special meet and greet followed by a Q&A session where we can ask any questions you have about the weekend,
All members are welcome to join us but this event is especially for those who have never attended before and would like more information about what a wonderful weekend to expect.
Zoom meeting Wednesday 21st Feb 6pm-7pm
Meeting ID: 864 6614 9302
Passcode: 520325

22q11 European Conference in Dublin
5th European 22q11 Conference
We are pleased to announce that the 5th European Conference on 22q11 will be held in Dublin on November 18th and 19th, 2023. This conference aims to bring together European families, clinicians, scientists, and researchers to share knowledge and expertise about 22q11 syndrome and foster connections. The conference will feature over 20 speakers who will cover various themes related to 22q11 syndrome.
This 22q11 conference will be hosted in Dublin for the second time and this year’s event will take place at the historic Hyatt Centric Hotel in The Liberties area of Dublin.
You can find more information

Great North Run 2023
We are pleased to report that we have secured our guaranteed charity package of 35 places for next years Great North Run on Sunday 10th September. The target sponsorship to be raised is £250 and no entrance fee this year. To secure your place email for an entry form.
If anyone is mad enough to join us in 2023 and run with the Max Appeal Express please let Mark or Paul know.

Scottish Outdoor Activity Camp, for those affected by 22q11.2 Syndrome
When; 17th -20th July, 2023 (3 nights)
Where; Wiston Lodge, an Outdoor Learning and Education Centre, Biggar, Scotland
Welcome to Wiston Lodge - Wiston Lodge
Suggested age range; 7- 25 years, Ten places available (with one accompanying parent / carer).
We will be camping and using a small number of cabins. Tents provided, if you have your own tent please bring it. Meals provided.
Activities. Instructor led, all equipment provided, using the outdoors with the opportunity to experience of wide range of activities for fun, confidence building, working in teams. Meet other children and families affected by 22q11.
A small charge for each child £65 and accompanying parent £10. You will need a sleeping bag and suitable clothes for the outdoors, a suggested kit list will be provided.
Please email if you are interested in attending by 19th June.

Family Quiz Night
Max Appeal Online Family quiz. If you haven't played before the more the merrier, the quiz is about 45 minutes long and is suitable for all ages, it's a great opportunity for a catch up with plenty of laughs - email for a Zoom invite

RideLondon returns in 2023
Ride London & raise money for Max Appeal.
Max Appeal has secured 5 spaced. We if you could please raise a minimum of £500 in donations. Max Appeal can supply you with a cycle shirt and other fund raising merchandise. Please contact to register your interest.
RideLondon, the world’s greatest festival of cycling, will return in 2023. It will be the 10th anniversary of the hugely popular event, which was established by the Mayor of London in 2013 as an Olympic legacy event from the 2012 London Games.
A new one-year agreement with Essex County Council brings RideLondon back to the county on Sunday 28 May following the successful first year of the partnership in 2022.
The festival will feature the iconic RideLondon-Essex 100-mile challenge, along with the RideLondon-Essex 60 and 30-mile rides and the ever-popular RideLondon FreeCycle, which gives riders of all ages and abilities a rare chance to cycle on traffic-free roads in central London.
More than 22,000 participants took part in the RideLondon-Essex 100, 60 and 30-mile rides, which started in central London, headed out to Essex and then returned for a finish at Tower Bridge, while many thousands more took part in RideLondon FreeCycle in the city.

Edinburgh Marathon Festival
Edinburgh Marathon Festival.
9 different events from 1km to 26.2miles.
Why not run (or walk, jog hop) and raise fund for Max Appeal. All different ages and different levels fitness.

Cranham Camp 2023
Cranham Scout Centre, Cranham, Gloucestershire, GL4 8HP
Max Appeal invites you to attend a youth activity weekend based in the beautiful Cotswold Hills to help young people relax and enjoy some time together and it is an opportunity to meet other children and young people affected by 22q. Suitable for 7 years upwards, accompanied by parent/carer.
The theme of the weekend is building confidence and self-esteem, working in teams and having fun. We are providing activities for all abilities in a safe environment. Activities include; archery, shooting, grass sledging, traverse wall, explorers walk, team games, exploring, bush craft, dam building and challenge course.
A small charge for each child £55 and accompanying parent £10
Click here for booking form : Cranham 2023 Booking Form

22q At The Zoo 2023
22Q At The Zoo is a world wide event organized each year since 2011.
22q families gather at different zoo’s around the world. Max Appeal will be hosting one this year at the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation park in the UK.
This very special event gives families touched by 22q issues a chance to socialize, network and raise the public profile of the common but poorly recognized conditions of the 22q syndrome.
This year we have decided to hold one main Max Appeal 22q at the Zoo event, at
Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park
Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park is home to a unique collection of animals from across the world, including Red Pandas, lemurs, reptiles, meerkats, otters, birds, wallabies and a large collection of monkeys.
Some of our animals are endangered in the wild and we play an important role their species’ conservation.
You can chose to book your own tickets, or we can prebook them for you using the attached booking form on the link below:
Carers free whilst supporting the person you care for with DLA proof.
Adults £7.50
Senior citizens, students, and Passport to Leisure holders £5.70
Children aged 3 to 15 £3.75
Children under 3 Free
Family Day Ticket (2 adults and max 3 children aged 3 to 15 years) £24.50
Family Day Ticket (1 adult and max 3 children aged 3 to 15 years) £17.50
There is parking on site and around the area.
Red Max Appeal T shirt’s can also be purchased using this link:
As always, you can also organise your own venue if it’s more suitable to your needs and location. We can help promote and advertise this for you.
Any queries, please email me at

Children’s Heart Federation Family day at Whitemoor Lakes May 20th 2023
Do you know a child with a heart condition who loves adventure and challenges?
Then they are invited to attend the CHF activity day on May 20th at Whitemoor Lakes, near Lichfield and can bring along the whole family, (two adult parent or carers plus siblings).
There will be a range of indoor and outdoor activities during the course of the day and lunch and refreshments will be provided (dietary needs will be catered for).
Activities planned will include archery, circus skills, canoeing, abseiling plus a challenge course. Children over five years of age can join in the challenges and there will be special activities arranged for those under-fives.
There will be opportunity to meet some of the CHF team, find out a bit more about what we do and how we can help and for parents and carers to meet each other during the breaks and over lunch.
Places are limited so book early. If you have any questions please contact or phone 0300 561 0065.

Max Appeal over 18's Break
Max Appeal is looking to organise a mid-week break for those affected by 22q11.2 Syndromes, who are 18 years and over
at The Manor House Hotel
Fowley Cross, Okehampton, Devon. EX20 4NA
Manor & Ashbury Resorts (
Staying at the Manor House Hotel there are range of activities available for use by guests. Prices include breakfast, lunch and dinner and access to all sports and leisure facilities. Additional craft classes are available at a range of prices starting from around £3.50 for ie card making, £9.50 ie glass fusion up to £14.95 for ie Silver clay per class. These would be bookable on arrival and details of the range of classes can be found on their website.
For us to benefit from their group booking rates we would need a party of at least 12 people.
We are looking at a mid week break arriving on 15th May for 3 nights.
The prices are as follows;
Double or twin rooms £513.00
Triple rooms £731.04
Single room £307.80.
If you needed to insure against cancellation you would need to arrange this yourself.
Please note, an additional charge of £9.50 would be charged for lunch on the day of arrival or on the day of departure if required. If guests wish to stay for the day on departure day they can continue to use the facilities.
If you are interested in coming along, please email as soon as possible to discuss your requirements.
At the moment, no rooms are reserved. We would need to make reservations fairly quickly to secure the rooms and payment would be required.

Great Birmingham Run
The AJ Bell Great Birmingham Run is the Midlands’ biggest and best running event, with thousands of Brummie runners taking to the streets every year to challenge themselves and raise cash for charity. There’s everything you’d expect from a Great Run – notorious start line hype, top on-route entertainment and an event village that feels more like an after party – but the carnival atmosphere and the passion and spirit of the runners is all Birmingham. Expect inspiring sights, iconic landmarks and incredible support all along the 10k and half marathon route.
Great Birmingham Run entries are open to runners aged 15+ (10k) and 17+ (Half marathon) on the day of the event.
Click here for full information.
Entry price Includes booking fee (£2 per entry).

Kiltwalks 2023
The best and cheapest way to raise funds for your chosen charity, Max Appeal.
Take 23, 14 or 3 miles.
Join us on a Kiltwalk, raise funds for YOUR chosen charity and they will receive up to 125%* of fundraising.
Glasgow 30th April
Aberdeen 4th June
Dundee 20th August
Edinburgh 17th September

Max Appeal Family Quiz
Max Appeal Online Family quiz. If you haven't played before the more the merrier, the quiz is about 45 minutes long and is suitable for all ages, it's a great opportunity for a catch up with plenty of laughs - email for a Zoom invite

Max Appeal Special 22q Awareness Sunday Quiz
Sunday from 19:00 -20:00
Duration: 1 hr
Max Appeal Family quiz. If you haven't played before the more the merrier, the quiz is about 45 minutes long and is suitable for all ages, it's a great opportunity for a catch up with plenty of laughs - email for a Zoom invite.

Max Appeal Sunday Quiz
Sunday from 19:00 -20:00
Duration: 1 hr
Max Appeal Family quiz. If you haven't played before the more the merrier, the quiz is about 45 minutes long and is suitable for all ages, it's a great opportunity for a catch up with plenty of laughs - email for a Zoom invite.

Yorkshire Marathon
Why not run The Yorkshire Marathon in aid of Max Appeal.
The Yorkshire Marathon has been a monster success since day one. In many ways it’s the jewel in the White Rose County's sporting crown.
We like to think every element of The Yorkshire Marathon is charged with Yorkshire Spirit. Since the inaugural event in 2013, the event has got bigger and bigger. Every year, thousands of runners of all abilities take to its truly breathtaking course.
But you’ll never be far from the locals who will be out in force to cheer you along. The event is now such a global draw that spectators come from across the world to be part of the experience and to add their support.
As you head along University Road to the finish, remember; it’s tradition to "do the Y" as you cross the line. Yorkshire, Yorkshire, Yorkshire!
Whether you’re aiming to smash your PB or just looking to cross the finish line, the Yorkshire Marathon is the perfect experience for beginners and experienced athletes alike.

TCS London Marathon 2022
Join #maxappeal and run in one of the most respected marathons of all time.
The TCS London Marathon 2022 is THE event of the year.
We’re incredibly excited to be able to offer two runners the opportunity to take part this autumn, to help support and improve lives of 22q11 families.
Please email to register your interest.

Great North Run
Max Appeal has secured 35 guaranteed charity places for next years Great North Run, to be held on Sunday 11th September. To secure your place email for an entry form.

Great North Run
Max Appeal has secured 35 guaranteed charity places for next years Great North Run, to be held on Sunday 11th September. To secure your place email for an entry form.
Max Appeal STILL has 20 places available for the Great North Run. It's one of our biggest annual fundraisers! We need to fill the places in the next 2 weeks or we will lose the places.
Please ask any friends or family if they will consider taking part and email, asap.
Max Appeal will provide a free running vest and fundraising pack, pre and post race meet up opportunities and support.
It's a fun weekend too for a good cause and will help us continue our work supporting families affected by 22q11.