BHF CRC National Clinical Research Database Patient Area Launch

Join the National Clinical Research Database

Clinical research isn’t just for clinicians or researchers – it takes a team, including patients, families, and service users.

At BHF CRC, we see patients as partners in research. You can be involved at every stage, even from the very start of the process.

The National Clinical Research Database connects clinicians, academics, and industry with patients and families to promote wider research participation.

We’re not recruiting patients for treatment but inviting those curious about research to explore opportunities.

Whether you have experience or just some time to contribute, we welcome you! Why Join? Learn about research and how you can help.

Your info stays secure and is used only with your consent.

No obligations – leave anytime.

Get Started

Signing up is quick, easy, and free.

Visit our website to register or learn more.

Access the step-by-step registration guide.


Opening Doors For The Workforce Of The Future


David Hawksworth and Spencer Forsbrooke Coast to Coast walk