Cranham Camp 2024

I write this a couple of weeks after returning from yet another Cranham Camp, its taken me that long to recovery from what was a fun filled weekend in the Gloucester country.

This event continues to grow from strength to strength and this year we hosted over 65 people, this probably explains why its taken me 2 weeks to recover because behind the signs we work incredibly hard to ensure the weekend is such a success and special thanks must go to Simon, Caroline and Daniel Lonsdale, Dave Pitcairn and Shelly Turpin for their efforts this year, without these guys the weekend really would not be possible.

Friday was arrival night as we welcomed both old and new faces to the site and set about erecting tents or settling families into the bunk rooms, this is always a worrying time for the new families but any concerns are soon shaken off as everyone pitches in to help each other out and as the children get to know each other, after a hearty meal cooked by Shelly and a brief introduction to camp we set about making new friends and reacquainting ourselves with old ones.

Saturday morning and after a cooked breakfast everyone was raring to go for the day, dividing into groups activities such as archery, rifle shooting, camp fire cooking, wood carving, grass sledging, fire building and wall climbing were undertaken, everyone joined in and every event saw personal milestones and achievements being hit, talking of hitting it seems everyone was hitting the balloons with their arrows on the range and the targets on the rifle range, one or two of the more adventurous types also hit a tree or two on the grass sledging hill as they thundered down like go-carts on the Red Bull course, in fact it would be my suggestion to enter young Harvey into this years event he was that quick !!!!!!!!!!

The Saturday evening was spent as always together around the camp fire singing songs led by Simon Lonsdale and eating from the BBQ (Thanks to James and Dave for their cooking skills), we took the opportunity to think of those within our community who couldn’t be with us this year, we also observed a moment of reflection for our friend Clare Mcpherson who will be forever missed at camp, you were in our thoughts all weekend Clare.

Sunday was all about assault courses, dam building and of course axe throwing, you really think you know some people until you see the venom with which they can launch and axe into a target. After yet another superb dinner by Shelly, Sausage and Mash no less the families settled down for Martin Kennedys quiz which as per normal was a very close run thing with everyone in the running to win.

Monday morning was quickly upon us and the hardest part of the weekend because it’s when we all have to say goodbye to each other, it is really something to see the friendships that are made during these weekends and along with the smiles on our children’s faces it is what camp is all about, making new friends and supporting each other.

If you have never been before do look out for news about the dates for next year and if you can’t wait that long please check your emails for details of our camp in Scotland this July which is being held at Wiston Lodge near Glasgow.

Finally, and just in case you don’t want to take my word for how great the weekend was I leave you with this lovely testimony from one of our first timers

Hi Mark, 

Just wanted to say a personal thank you to you for this weekend. The work that you all put into this weekend has been an amazing experience and has brought me and Kelly so much happiness and enjoyment with the boy wonder. 

It was amazing to meet other children and young adults with 22q also and make new friends in yourself and Dave etc. 

Thanks again for a life changing weekend 😀’


Looking forward to seeing you all again very soon


Mark Tripp



Craig McKee’s 7th annual charity golf day in memory of daughter Danielle, held at Elderslie Golf Club on 7th June


22q At the Zoo 2024