Light it Red for International 22q Day 22nd November 2024

22q11 day
November 22nd is the International 22q11 Day, a European movement to raise awareness about 22q11 by illuminating many buildings in red across Europe and now around the world.

Why raise awareness about it?
The sheer diversity of the symptoms of 22q11 patients makes a diagnosis very difficult. In fact, 50% of 22q11 patients are never diagnosed. Yet, an early diagnosis of 22q11 can lead to a much better life for affected individuals as earlier treatments of symptoms can curtail their severity. Besides, early diagnosis allows parents to better prepare the arrival of their child, it helps health professionals to better adapt their treatments and educators to better adapt the educational environment. Raising awareness with the public will thus improve the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Do you have a contact or work for a company who would be interested in lighting up their building for 22q11 awareness day? Please email them or ask us to contact them on your behalf. Please email us at

Example of a request to business/building owners …

We would like to invite you to consider taking part in raising awareness about the 22q11 Deletion Syndrome by illuminating your building in red on Nov 22nd, 2024.

WHAT IS 22Q11?T he 22q11 deletion syndrome (or DiGeorge syndrome) is a chromosomal disorder that affects approximately 1 in every 1000 people, making it the least-known most-frequent rare disease. It can cause a wide array of bodily defects, the most frequent of which include learning and behaviour difficulties, heart defects and hearing or feeding problems due to a malformation of the mouth and nose. The possible symptoms are very diverse, and everyone with the syndrome is affected differently.

WHY RAISE AWARENESS ABOUT IT? An early diagnosis of 22q11 can lead to a much better life for affected individuals as earlier treatments of symptoms can curtail their severity. Besides, early diagnosis allows parents to better prepare the arrival of their child, it helps health professionals to better adapt their treatments and educators to better adapt the educational environment. Yet, due to the lack of knowledge about the syndrome and its symptoms from the public and from health professionals, 50% of 22q11 patients are never diagnosed.

HOW CAN YOU HELP? We call for public and private organisations in the UK to light up buildings in red on the “22q11 day”, i.e. the 22nd of November, in solidarity with 22q11 and their relatives. On that occasion, we will raise awareness and share images of illuminated buildings on our platforms as well as through the news.

This initiative has been gaining interest in the last few years throughout Europe. More than 8 countries and 60 cities have been involved in previous editions. Join us this year!

WHO ARE WE? We are Max Appeal the UK based charity supporting families affected by 22q conditions.  We are also are members of, a network of 19 national organizations that coordinates the 22q11 day.  You will find more information about us at   &

If you have any questions about getting involved please call us 0300 999 2211  or email us on


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